TSC Meeting Zoom link
Meeting Recording:
- PRs to merge:
- https://github.com/l3af-project/l3af-arch/pull/56
- Lots of dependabot PRs at Pull requests · l3af-project/l3afd (github.com). Some merged, more have been created.
- LJ Illuzzi Where is the Mentorship Program advertised outside of LFN? responce- I know we advertise on our lists, but we also get invisibility through the mentorship portal which is advertised by the LF. I don’t know exactly what their advertisement lists look like.
- Daniel Havey - media around Traffic Mirroring code is open source. Bring to the MAC
- Media- Jason to draft verbiage and get Walmart signoff
- Santhosh Fernandes Open PR for Windows issue
- Dhivya R readout on R2 Release Management