- Can we present in ebpf summit in Sept just a highlight (Karan)
- End-to-End Testing suite (Atul)
- Can we integrate this with ci build pipline - limitaion dependency on setup in the build node. i.e nic drivers, dependent packages.
- Can we run the same script for windows
- Is there any other aditional parameters to validate like metrics NFRunning
- Marketing package for R2 - Need marketing blur and release highlights (Daniel)
- Queue up the R2 release Sept time frame with the MAC
- Is there an AI story/Use Case around R2/R2.1?
- L3AF/eBPF in use
- R2 release Slide (Karan)
- AI angle in R2 release
- Plan to amplify the release
- Intern final presentation - plan date TBD
- L3AF on Windows:
- R2 - PRs:
- https://github.com/l3af-project/l3afd/pull/245
- https://github.com/l3af-project/eBPF-Package-Repository/pull/46
- https://github.com/l3af-project/eBPF-Package-Repository/pull/45
- https://github.com/l3af-project/eBPF-Package-Repository/pull/33
- https://github.com/l3af-project/eBPF-Package-Repository/pull/57
- https://github.com/l3af-project/l3afd/pull/229
- https://github.com/l3af-project/eBPF-Package-Repository/pull/42 - IP Option Field support - Review pending
- Please Review
- Reach out to Arna Aarna Network
- Introduction meeting with Arna Network - 16/Aug/2023
- Got slides from Arna Aarna Network - 28/Aug/2023
- Introduction meeting with Arna Network - 16/Aug/2023
- R2.1
- OpenTelemetry support to export metrics (Eric)
- https://ebpf.io/summit-2023-schedule/
- Kubernetes Security Meetup(CNCF) → Talk on L3AF(SHANKAR MALIK)
- AccuKnox Event at Delhi on 26th of August.
- Registration is open
- Presentation by Shankar - eBPF: Emerging L3AF
- November 13-16, 2023
- Registration is open and free
- Topic submissions
- Suggested topic- L3AF R2 overview and demonstration
- Suggested topic- L3AF on Windows overview and demonstration
- Linux Plumbers Conference
- November 13-16, 2023 2023 (overlaps D&TF)
- https://lpc.events/
- https://lkml.kernel.org/netdev/1515db2c-f517-76da-8aad-127a67da802f@iogearbox.net/T/
- Topic submissions
- Suggested topic- L3AF R2 overview and demonstration
- Suggested topic- L3AF on Windows overview and demonstration