- Determine TSC structure - codified in the Technical Charter 13
- Combined TSC or separate
- Possible reserved TSC seats per "voice"
- Possible "interim TSC" for first year (reserved seats?)
- Initial Roles and responsibilities of the TSCTSC
- Determine steady-state voting criteria (eligibility requirements) – accommodate creators of both types of work productproducts
- Determine the interim election calendar 13
- Elected positions within the TSC – Chair, SPC rep, any others? Any other elected committees? Elections complete 18 Dec
- Initiate Finalize operational guidelines document - define what requires a TSC votevote
- Determine required votes to execute the merge and any dependencies in order to execute merger - OPNFV TSC
- Sponsor a vote of confidence for Anuket Technical Charter from CNTT gov Scot Steele
- Run the votes based on existing voting requirements and governance; once new TSC is constituted, new votes can be done by them.
- Update Operational Guidelines document based on above org structure decisions
- Organization structure
- What are the projects and workstreams and how to organize?
- Possible to pair or combine groups working on similar technical areas from both "voices"
- Goal – minimize silos while enabling efficiency
- Any other sub-entities, councils, task forces, etc.?
- Holding entity for smaller OPNFV projects?
- Any GSMA relationship changes (also covered in Legal )?