Review Technical Charter here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1t4mVANeIN2cmyYIMwdTlUAcy36MSRmxYHw-GHf7nTEc/edit
- Example: Anuket
- Example: ONAP: Section here - https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/ONAP+Technical+Community+Document+-+Post+LFN
Mission/scope Statement Review- Call for offline review and comments
Louis is going to send us links to Anuket and ONAP technical charters (Done)
Bob Monkman (Deactivated) (Intel)
Srinivasa Addepalli (Intel)
Former user (Deleted) (Intel)
LJ Illuzzi (Linux Foundation)Minutes:
Only one participating company put a TSC rep name on the TSC page table. All please review and add your names.
Srini indicated that Gitlab was preferred (discussed last meeting?) and would like to get a repo set up asap for staging seed code.
- Ritu asked if Gerrit was possible with GitLab?
- Louis will check on this- ONAP projects have potentially some issues with mixed utilities.
Louis has been requested to spin up a GitLab instance and JIRA for the project.