Draft initiated: March 1st 2022
Current status: in progress/discussion
Draft finalized: <>
Technical Steering Committee
- An initial TSC has been established per above. TSC eligibility is defined per above and aligns with the Technical Charter . Contributor and Committer are defined per above. TSC Chair, TAC representative, and MAC liaison roles will be assigned through nomination, then TSC voting. Additional roles, including Project Technical Leads (PTLs) may be defined as project needs arise.
- The current TSC Rep table is here. The TSC represents the top-level decision-making bode for the project.
- Additional project roles, as needed, are filled by TSC voting (majority)
- Removal from a Project Role-
- A person may voluntarily resign from a project role by making a public announcement to the TSC.
- A person in a project role who is disruptive, or has been inactive on that project for an extended period (e.g., six or more months), or is not abiding by the project charter or code of conduct may have his or her role status revoked by the TSC.
- Disputes are resolved TSC voting (majority)