add Meeting Recording
- LF Antitrust Policy
- Welcome new members
- Opens?
- EMCO 22.03.1 releasing soon
- EMCO mentorship submission is up - but not approved?
- Orange
- TSC Review and ?Vote?
- Updated EMCO Architecture Diagram (Aarna Networks)
- Blog Draft (Aarna Networks)
- Incubation Readiness - includes OpenSSF badging
- 5G SBP Requirements and Use Case Advisory Group - kickoff meeting
- Incubation Readiness - includes OpenSSF badging
- June LFN Developer & Testing Forum coordinator(s) for EMCO
According to the LF summer intern timeline, approved projects were to be announced on May 2. EMCO team has not heard back. What is the status?
Updated EMCO Architecture Diagram (Aarna Networks):