In this case the dcm went down after the API call succeeded, but before the status was updated, status API will return error, but the instantiation of logical cloud will succeed after the dcm comes back up
Response Code: 202
API Response code 202. Waiting...
Logical Cloud creation in progress... Please Wait
pod "emco-services-dcm-5f746d5db4-hpft7" deleted
parse error: Invalid numeric literal at line 1, column 6
Invalid apply status State.
Using config file: emco-cfg.yaml
Logical cloud termination API call completes but status API fails
In this case the dcm went down after the API call succeeded, but before the status was updated, status API will return error, but the termination of logical cloud will succeed after the dcm comes back up
Response Code: 202
API Response code 202. Waiting...
Logical Cloud deletion in progress... Please Wait
pod "emco-services-dcm-5f746d5db4-5scl9" deleted
parse error: Invalid numeric literal at line 1, column 6
Invalid delete status State.
Using config file: emco-cfg.yaml