- LF Antitrust Policy
- Welcome new members
- Opens?
- Update on 2209 EMCO Release and its Blog
- EMCO TSC membership update: deferred for now
- November D&TF Topic Submission
- project-emco.io updates as requested by the EMCO Marketing Working Group
Nov 14 LFN Governing Board Project Readout:
- Sundar will represent EMCO
- Invite (virual) sent to Sundar
ONAP TSC meeting logistics- Get on the agenda to discuss impact on ONAP with new EMCO reality
Thursdays, 10am ET/7am PT/14:00 UTC
Meeting ID: 661 303 200 Passcode: 209247
One tap mobile
+18773690926,,661303200#,,,,,,0#,,209247# (US Toll-free)
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/WYLxS
Action Item-
- LJ Illuzzisetup informal discussion with Nephio team at ONE Summit
Future Agenda items: