Note, the following is a work in progress.
Compliance (to a specification or standard):
- A "device" is compliant if it meets the requirements defined within a specification, i.e. a power plug is required to have 3 prongs and would be consider compliant if it indeed has 3 prongs in the correct locations and orientations.
VNF Compliance
Conformance to HEAT, TOSCA, or TOSCA HELM Templates, as defined by ONAP Requirements.
- Conformance to ONAP VNFRqmts documentation which will integrate other SDO requirements (ie, 5G, BBF, ETSI,...)
- Conformance to ONAP interfaces.
Documentation of VNF is available.
NFVI (Doesn't this include VIM?) /VIM Compliance:
- ETSI ETSI ISG NFV interface standards
- should this be expanded to whitebox servers, DPDK, FDIO,...?
- (or a subset of those requirements)
- Conformance to well accepted API definitions and operation (i.e. OpenStack or K8s APIs)
- Open Questions:
- Should the compliance tests apply to both software and hardware?
- Hardware example: NUMA compliance, DPDK support, ODP compliance
- Support DPDK and/or FDIO
- Address additional specification (e.g. GSMA profiles)
- Should the compliance tests apply to both software and hardware?
- A "device" is validated when it operated according to its intended purpose or design, i.e. a power plug is able to connect to a socket that is also known to be compliant and passes electricity, both have been validated (it really works).
VNF Validation:
On-boarding: Validate the VNF Artifact(s) is able to be "consumed" by an ONAP instance.
Open questions: 1) What are the requirements defined for "On-boarding?" What is the requirement for the "ONAP instance?" 3) Is there a requirement for backwards compatibility? 4) Besides ONAP are there other organizations defining this?
- Open question: 5) ONAP instance: does it mean MANO, or does it include VNFM.
Instantiation: Validate the VNF can be "launched" by an ONAP instance on top of an NFVI.
Open questions: 1) What is the requirements for ONAP Instance? 2) What is the requirements for the NFVI? 3) What are the requirements for the "VNF launch?"
Validate various life-cycle operations are possible with the VNF running on the ONAP Instance.
Open questions: 1) What the required "life-cycle operations?" 2) What the requirements for each "operation?" 3) What are the requirements for the "ONAP instance?"
- Life Cycle Operations of VNF (long term vision) - my version of FCAPS:
- Fault Management
- Capacity Management
- Billing/Accounting Management
- Performance Management
- Security Management
- Open question: does it relate to MANO, or does it include VNFM (generic vs specific).:
- NFVI Validation:
- Instantiate NFVI/VIM
- Life Cycle of NFVI/VIM - Healthcheck?