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1Requirements Analysis   -    -  
1.1Team BuildingYan YangMon 6/24/19Wed 6/26/193100%3 
1.2Finalize Demo workflow and architectureRabi&Yan&KanagMon 6/24/19Fri 6/28/195100%5 
1.3Create Jira ticket in Community Jira(Epics & Stories)

Project Develop Owner

Rabi to create one

Fri 6/28/19Mon 7/01/19480%2 
1.3.1Create JIRA in VNFSDK , CLIKanag

1.4Make Workloads, Acceptance criteria,Plan, DependenciesYanFri 6/28/19Fri 7/05/198100%5 
1.5Low Level Design(Out put specification for project design to review)Project Develop OwnerSat 6/29/19Thu 7/04/196100%5 
1.6Low Level Design reviewPTLThu 7/04/19Mon 7/08/195100%3 
1.6.1VNFSDK VTP, CLI and LCM automation Kanag

100% 1
2Coding   -    -  
2.1Develop Environment(local env, local test env)Project Develop OwnerTue 6/25/19Fri 6/28/194100%4 
2.2Code freezeProject Develop OwnerThu 6/27/19Fri 7/26/19300%60%22 
2.3Unit testProject Develop OwnerSat 7/20/19Mon 7/29/19100%6 
2.4Code pushed to the communityProject Community OwnerMon 7/29/19Wed 7/31/1930%3 
2.5Add SDC missing CLI for LCM testingKanagFri 7/19/19Tue 08/01/19

SDC PTL provided good support to enable all required commands;

  • Consumer creation
  • Property setting for NS resources
  • Add artifact into resource
  • Add artifact into service
  • VF model checkout and checkin

2.6create python package for tosca lcm vnf on-boarding Kanag08/02/1908/09/19

Streach goal
2.7on-board python package into VTP as LCM test caseKanag07/31/1908/05/19
Under check-in
3Testing   -    -  
3.1 E2E Test design and demo strategyRabiFri 7/05/19Sun 7/14/191080%100%6
3.2 E2E Test design and demo strategy reviewYan YangMon 7/15/19Thu 7/18/19480%100%4 
3.3Internal Demo review(UI Review)RabiThu 7/18/19Fri 7/26/1990%7 
3.4Poject self testProject Develop OwnerMon 7/29/19Thu 8/01/1940%4 
3.5Integration test planWei RanThu 7/18/19Tue 7/23/19680%100%4 Given that opensource VNF test running on windriver lab, need to confirm with Huawei team if their lab could do this part too
3.6Integration Test case outputKanagFri 7/20/18Sun 7/22/183100%1 Aggreed to provide vnf_id, ns_id and based on the VNF health check availability this will be extended to provide VNF status.
3.7Integration testYan YangMon 8/05/19Tue 9/03/19300%22 
3.8Internal Demo Show Round1Team memberThu 9/05/19Wed 9/11/1970%5 
3.9Internal Demo Show Round2Team memberMon 9/10/18Sun 9/16/1870%5 
4Labs Setup(should be ready at 8/1/19)  FALSE   -  
4.1Detailed lab topologyguanzhi&PrabhuSun 7/01/18Thu 7/05/18590%100%10 
4.2Detailed lab topology reviewguanzhi&PrabhuThu 7/05/18Thu 7/05/18180%100%10 
4.3Lab Hardware & Software ready(vim, vnfm) guanzhi&PrabhuFri 7/05/19Wed 7/24/1920100%8 
4.4Demo Lab setup (ONAP)guanzhi&PrabhuWed 7/24/19Tue 7/30/1970%80%5 plan to be finished -7.24need to update the latest code to the env

Development Progress

Community projectsModule detailed describeDevelopment ownerCommunity ownerHuawei memberCMCC member

VDF member



priorityJira TicketCompletion date (requirement decomposition to community Story)dependenciesAcceptance criteriaProcessRiskPlan of next week.
VNFRequirements Chuyi(cmcc)Chuyi X X X XHigh       
SDC1.SDC privides UI and support VNF Validation
need to consider:
a. how to assign the VNFMType for on-boarding VNF
b. how to encapsulate the VNF to NS, this should be implemented by VTP or design in SDC directly 
soumyarup, shankarRabi X X X XHigh   All VNF Validation conditions can be preset, and VNFSDK VTP is correctly called for VNF Deployment and VNF Termination   
VNFSDK / VTP1.Precondition
VNFSDK integrate with ESR to register 3rd VNFM and VIM
VNFSDK integrate with SDC to encapsulate the VNF to NS
3.VNFSDK integrate with VF-C to execute VNF depoyment and termination through NS API
KanagKanag, Victor xWei RanRabi,soumyarup xHigh

  VNFSDK integrates with VF-C to complete VNF Deployment and VNF Termination using VF-C NS interface 80%  



1.Add automatic scripts to integration testsuit, including:
Automation Script(s) to on-board VSP
Automation Script(s) to Create VF
Automation Script(s) to Create Service
Automation Script(s) to Submit Preloads
Automation Script(s) to Instantiate VNF
Automation Script(s) to Healthcheck VNF
Clean up after test(s)
Kanag x x x xHaibinMedium  Automate test steps with the script of Integration testsuit   
