LF Staff: Casey Cain Andrew Grimberg Kenny Paul Trevor Bramwell @Steve Ira Jim Baker Trishan de Lanerolle
Committee Members: Bin Hu Timothy Verrall (Deactivated) djhunt , Frank Brockners , Ranny Haiby Davide Cherubini VM (Vicky) Brasseur Olaf Renner Abhijit K
- Start the Recording
- Antitrust Policy
- Agenda Bashing (Roll Call, Action Items (5 minutes)
- General Topics
- LF IT Modernization around Process and Tooling
- Presentation from Steve Ira, Senior Director of IT at The Linux Foundation
- Committer Representative to the Board (Continued)
- TAC Meeting Scheduling (Calendar)
- Retiring projects - guidance sought Chaker Al-Hakim cl664y@att.com
- Technical Advisory Office Proposal Update Ranny Haiby
- LF IT Modernization around Process and Tooling
- Any other business?
Steve Ira presents a draft IT Modernization p