Migration to Groups.io Calendar will be happening on
LFN Committer Rep
- @ LFN Governing Board Member Committers Representative (LGBMCR)
- Need to clearly define activity. This can be different from project to project based on their size. We don't want to exclude smaller projects.
- The idea is that if you can vote for your Project TSC, you would also be able to vote for the CAL election to the board.
- The term would be limited to a year.
- The TAC will review and comment on the provided document and discuss further on the next meeting.
- Casey Cainto migrate the TAC meeting to Groups.io on
- Casey Cain to send Doodle poll for InfraWG meeting on
- Ranny Haiby to send email to the TAC mailing list to seek input from the projects on topics the Advisory Office should address