- Agenda Bashing
- RI: status
- CNTT-RI Project Name Change → Common Infrastructure Realization & Validation (CIRV)
- Labs status - setup, automation
- Tracking:
- PR to review: Minor edits to RI-1 Core CH2 section headings and initial content: @fuqiao123 requested your review on: #519 Update chapter02.md.
- POD 10
Lesson's Learned
Recommendation for preparing POD15 before software deployment
Any modifications to POD10/15 to use it as a Reference.
- RC: status
- Status | Milestones - CNTT Snezka (next CNTT release)
- RC WS Status | Issues
- Dev → Volunteers for Dev new issues by Cedric?
- CNTT Jan 2020 Release: CNTT Snezka
- RC WS Documentation - https://github.com/cntt-n/CNTT/tree/master/doc/ref_cert/lfn
- NFVI (Lead = Rajesh, Mike)
- Issues - https://github.com/cntt-n/CNTT/issues?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3A%22RC+1+NFVI%22+, PRs
- Assistance Needed
- RA 1 requirements extraction
- Manifest validations vs. RA Req
- Status | Tasks (Work in progress)
- Receive Lab (date)
- Translate RA requirements to Manifest Needs (date)
- Tune Manifest to match RA requirements (Target End State Lab - POD15) - status of POD 10, then date for POD 15
- Testing
- Prepare automation harness - connectivity, validation (POD10)? – Cedric?
- e.g. functest-smoke-cntt was just created. neutron-tempest-plugin-api is already conformed with the current API section.
- Create Test Plan
- Finalize Test Harness/Framework
- Perform Manifest Validations
- Results Collection & Normalization
- Prepare automation harness - connectivity, validation (POD10)? – Cedric?
- VNF (Lead = Mike)
- Issues - https://github.com/cntt-n/CNTT/issues?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3A%22RC+1+VNF%22+, PRs
- Assistance Needed
- Empirical Validations - VNF Prototype Plan / Strategy
- Status | Tasks (Work in progress)
- VNF Prototypes
- Families Identified
- Test Requirements Identified
Use POD10 for Network Intensive.
Measure stats related to the NFVi datapath capacity.
- Goal will be to demonstrate full automation of the environment (continuous deployment) with test cases with some useful test results (continuous testing).
- Then look at adding compute and storage intensive VNFs and identify test cases that map back to CNTT specified capabilities. (Luc, Sridhar, Al, Trevor - creating more detailed plan?).
- Testing
- Create Test Plan
- Finalize Test Harness/Framework
- Results Collection & Normalization
- VNF Prototypes
- Dev (Lead = Cedric)
- Issues - https://github.com/cntt-n/CNTT/issues?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3A%22RC+1+Dev%22+, PRs
- Assistance Needed
- Deployment Validations and continuous deployment / integration
- Status | Tasks (Work in progress)
- Jenkins setup
- VNF prototype
- Development
- Connectivity to POD15
- NFVI (Lead = Rajesh, Mike)