- Agenda Bashing
- https://github.com/cntt-n/CNTT/projects/17
- Asia Meeting time doodle poll: https://doodle.com/poll/wtchd32uv8evysc5
- Logistics:
- Slight change to Scope of RI Labs vs RI Core.
- No Objection.
- Turning on "Reset Reviewers on new commit"
- Decision to Turn on.
- Contribution Policy update.
- PR to stay open for further discussion/comments.
- Process Automation.
- PR to be merged.
- Reviwers engagement.
- Slight change to Scope of RI Labs vs RI Core.
- WorkStreams status:
- Gaps and Concerns.
- Does it make sense to remove the word i.
- may be a topic to governance.
- Does it make sense to remove the word i.