Contributor / Action On | Action | By When | Comments |
Saad / Cecilia | Section 1 - Enhance the section with diagrams / rough sketches is ok, we will ask MAC to help with designer graphics
- Lift and shift content relevant to other sections
| 6th December 2019 |
All Others | Review Section 1 / Place comments with your name and rational Add any other additional content / diagram etc... | 6th December 2019 | Keep in mind that this section is introduction, leverage some of the comments from Lingli, I think there is some good messaging there |
Call for Volunteers | Section 2 - Pick 3 open source projects and create 5-10 bullet points and one timeline infographic diagram, even if it is drawn by pen and photo pasted it is ok
- Example - Open Source MANO, OpenStack, etc...
| 6th December 2019 | This section is blank, Beth is struggling with time and hence we need more volunteers |
Brian / Scott (AT&T) | - Wrt to this topic, what is sharable by AT&T
- Please articulate on section 3 with any diagrams, ANY contribution is valuable
| 6th Dec 2019 |
Marc (Bell) | - Bell has some interesting story to say, Marc can you please add some content / diagrams ? Bell's journey or model that you can share publically
| 6th Dec 2019 | If Marc does not join, Atul to reach out to Marc by this Friday 6th Dec '19 |
Atul (Vodafone) | - Add content and diagrams
- Refactor content with instead of Pros Cons, features / benefits - take comments of African of S.American markets into consideration (Telecom Argentina) - one market's pros can be other market's cons, the paper has to reflect reality without biasness to any model
| 6th Dec 2019 | Atul to start producing a consolidated view |