- Walk On Items
- Kubecon EU representation.
- 2019 was very beneficial. Nothing planned in terms of F2F workshop.
- LFN PR did submit for one session.
- Rabi planning to attend and work with Heather to plan some materials/activities.
- AI - speedwyre Doodle poll of who is attending. Desired topics. Etc.
- MWC Barcelona
- Comments: too sales and mktg oriented. However, executives will have high-level meetings there.
- Worth ensuring CNTT makes it into speaking points of presenters.
- AI - Develop a one-page/slide executive brief about what we've done 2019, what we plan to do 2020.
- link to existing material (that may need tweaking for exec audience)
- each operator gauge how to have execs message it
- AI - perJisu Park, we should discuss MWC Barcelona in Prague because many operators at MWC can bring more interest (i.e. GSMA members and CNTT)
- Kubecon EU representation.
- Re: potential for F2F workshop in London, June. Still discussing between Jisu Parkand Heather Kirksey
- Similar format as last session (EU)
- Heather Kirksey in talking with Arpit Joshipura , if there are any interesting demos we have option to do as key note.
- AI - investigate demo opportunity on stage in Los Angeles. If we have something compelling.
- Topic Ideas/Proposals
- begin piloting VNF
- get a booth for installing
- manned the booth
- Heather Kirksey has a marketing planning session in Prague next week. Be thinking about it.
- Suggestion to allocate two back to back sessions for CNTT
- AI - Beth Cohenon point to submit CNTT session proposal
- AI - Heather Kirkseyon point to work on Key Note
- Topic Ideas/Proposals
- Prague F2F Workshop
- Prague enrollment data: Total: 240, CNTT: 72, OPNFV: 27
- Although we have done the best to balance scheduling, some overlaps do exist. so folks please try to balance CNTT representation across sessions.
- Schedule should be finalized by EOD today US.
- Zoom bridge links will be at top of the schedule.
- Etherpad links for each session have been added to schedule also.
- Folks remind at beginning of each session to use the correct Etherpad.
- Technology
- Alpha versions of release (See preso).
- Snezka will be released EOD Friday 10th January
- Releases Discussion
- When we say RC1 is final, it will give perception that it will add value to the operator and vnf community. When we start to certify it needs mean something very clear.
- AI - in Prague, need to define, "What does done mean?" for RC1? OVP, OPNFV needs to be aligned.
- speedwyre AI - make sure Release planning discussion has specific discussion around what does "Integrated Readiness" mean as it should include CNTT, OPNFV, OVP
- Agreement and alignment on badging,timing, readiness.
- What does done mean? (I.e. what needs to be done to say 'we're ready' for release?)
- Do we need an integrated readiness plan?
- Michael Fix reviewed slides
- Cédric Ollivier encourages all to run cookbook to get feedback on api, and testing already delivered.
- Governance
- Encourage everyone to also attend governance sessions as they are important to make this business case to deliver.