- Ranny walked through the current white paper status
- Constrained to just LFN components?
- Main The main focus is LFN - mention other projects where relevant - give priority to LFN components
- External collaboration (eg. Acumos, CNCF, etc.) and include SDOs
- Extend section 2 to mention these other orgsOrganizations
- Section 5 highlights the synergy and needs additional development
- Target completion - end of March for presentation at ONES in April
- Question about this evolving into a POC- that would be great, but at the moment just describing the integrations - lack of available resources for a POC at this time
- Ahmed El Sawaf can see the potential for a limited demo in the lab using the CNTT reference arch.
EUAG White Paper Overview Atul Purohit
- Instructions, Template, and Schedule has been posted here: https://wiki.lfnetworking.org/x/jAaDAQ
- Ed Warnicke objected to the proposed project review schedule. Preferred the projects set the date. Feels that the dates are being forced opon upon the community by the LF staff.
- Casey Cain says that this is a tentative schedule for discussion - any project can say yes, no or change the date listed. Totally up to the community.
- cl664y@att.com Asked to shift the ONAP review out a couple of weeks due to ONES
- VM (Vicky) Brasseur here as the Juniper rep not TF rep but TF TSC has not heard about the TAC project reviews - please contact them directly Please contact TF TSCdirectly with the reminder. Encourage alignment with TF TSC to make sure they are ready.
- Al Morton suggested OPNFV date conflicts with Kubecon - please push out July/August