Meeting Minutes
- BT:
- Communication started few months ago, need to chase.
- Andy
- Telefonica:
- CNTT is not specific to ONAP.
- We can use ETSI NFV plenary to emphasis the point.
- Reliance
- Optus
- Hutchinson (3)
- KT
- Arista:
- China Unicom:
- Bob Monkman (Deactivated) to provide content.
- Brian Bearden to provide contact.
- NTTdocomo:
- Rabi Abdel to provide content.
- SKTelecom
- Brian Bearden to provide contact for SKT.
- Samsung:
- if somebody has contact, please provide to list in here.
- Rabi Abdel to ask Jisu for contact and use same email by speedwyre
- Rakuten:
- BT:
Trial (win)
- Bob Monkman (Deactivated) to get in touch with RedHat and arrange a meeting with one operator (Brian Bearden and Beth Cohen ) first to understand the plan.
- Rabi Abdel to get in touch with VMware and arrange a meeting with (Beth Cohen ) first to arrange the plan.
- to one done before this meeting next week.
Key Strategic Messages / (What is the Article Headline?) speedwyre
- New Trial Deployments / (Projects Are In-Flight)
- The Ecosystem is Growing
Key Detailed Messaging Rabi Abdel
* Key Items to consider as ‘wins’ to announce that need supporting details
- Which RI & RC boxes did we get to turn green*
- What is tangible to be run?
- Get Vendors
- Use their own installer
- Build their own ecosystem
- Vendor implementation of NFVI*
- Run Sanity Check on OS installation
- Get VNF from Vendor community (Only on board and ‘run’, just a sanity check)*
- Basic Premise / Approach
Cannot under-emphasize
CNTT has a real RM and RA
CNTT has real RI deployments
- Real agreements
- Real labs setup
Underlying message. Vendors have it installed in their labs. Things are moving. Get on board (or you will miss the boat).
- Be careful not to highlight anything that isn't actually changed
- Rabi Abdel and Scott Steinbrueck to finalise the slides and the request to OPNFV for OPNFV TSC 2.0 discussion.
- Need tactical plan. Clarify relationship with OPNFV.