- Walk-in Items.
- ETSI-NFV Plugtest
- New Time schedule and plans.
- Trials:
- Update from RH.
- Email Draft to be sent to companies. see below
Email Proposal by speedwyre
Hi [Name},
[Opening personal message]
The reason I’m reaching out is because I’m working on a global on a network virtualization standards open-source initiative sponsored by The Linux Foundation and GSMA. It’s basically an industry coalition called the Common NFVI Telco Task Force (CNTT). This press release out of Antwerp, Belgium, gives some good highlights:
Furthermore, CNTT is interested in inviting [Company] to help us build and implement these global common NFVI standards, and I’m part of a team reaching out to operators and vendors to ask them to consider joining us. We’ve already got a number of large SDN | NFVI vendor players such as Ericsson, Nokia, RedHat, Mirantis, VMWare, and Canonical, as well as a number of global operators, including AT&T, Vodafone, Verizon, Orange, Telstra, and China Mobile--30+ participating companies in all and growing.
My question to you: do you know who I might begin a conversation with and about CNTT?
[Closing personal message]
All the best,
--Name & Signature
Previous Meeting Minutes:
- BT:
- Communication started few months ago, need to chase.
- Andy
- Telefonica:
- CNTT is not specific to ONAP.
- We can use ETSI NFV plenary to emphasis the point.
- Reliance
- Optus
- Hutchinson (3)
- KT
- Arista:
- China Unicom:
- Bob Monkman (Deactivated) to provide content.
- Brian Bearden to provide contact.
- NTTdocomo:
- Rabi Abdel to provide content.
- SKTelecom
- Brian Bearden to provide contact for SKT.
- Samsung:
- if somebody has contact, please provide to list in here.
- Rabi Abdel to ask Jisu for contact and use same email by speedwyre
- Rakuten:
- BT:
Trial (win)
- Bob Monkman (Deactivated) to get in touch with RedHat and arrange a meeting with one operator (Brian Bearden and Beth Cohen ) first to understand the plan.
- Rabi Abdel to get in touch with VMware and arrange a meeting with (Beth Cohen ) first to arrange the plan.
- to one done before this meeting next week.
Key Strategic Messages / (What is the Article Headline?) speedwyre
- New Trial Deployments / (Projects Are In-Flight)
- The Ecosystem is Growing
Key Detailed Messaging Rabi Abdel
* Key Items to consider as ‘wins’ to announce that need supporting details
- Which RI & RC boxes did we get to turn green*
- What is tangible to be run?
- Get Vendors
- Use their own installer
- Build their own ecosystem
- Vendor implementation of NFVI*
- Run Sanity Check on OS installation
- Get VNF from Vendor community (Only on board and ‘run’, just a sanity check)*
- Basic Premise / Approach
Cannot under-emphasize
CNTT has a real RM and RA
CNTT has real RI deployments
- Real agreements
- Real labs setup
Underlying message. Vendors have it installed in their labs. Things are moving. Get on board (or you will miss the boat).
- Be careful not to highlight anything that isn't actually changed
- Rabi Abdel and Scott Steinbrueck to finalise the slides and the request to OPNFV for OPNFV TSC 2.0 discussion.
- Need tactical plan. Clarify relationship with OPNFV.