(Below is from Jim's mail to OVP members (3/4/2020). Will be discussed on next meeting (3/9/2020).
In the below diagram the “?” indicate processes that need definition and refinement for the differing execution environment of OVP Phase 2.
(insert diagram)
Test Categories
(Olivier - Add short description and I would like to gain clarity around CNF orchestration. Specifically, we should clarify that CNFs are to be orchestrated by Kubernetes and that MANO is utilized specifically for VNFs. If this is not the case, document why? Add clarity to the CNF Architecutre below.
Source: LF Networking
Compliance & Verification Program
#7 MANO++ - is it to confirm that ONAP is Mano++ meaning that ONAP is providing additional capabilities than Mano functions i.e. Control Loops, etc.?
Source: LF Networking
Verification and Certification Process
(We should outline the types of testing as well as clarify where these tests belong. Workload testing, Platform testing, etc.)
Cloud Native Network Function (CNF) Best Practices Criteria