Versions Compared


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All members are encouraged to contribute directly into this working draft.  

Table of Contents


The LFN OPNFV Verification Program Phase 2 (OVP 2.0) is an open source, community-led compliance and verification program to promote, enable, and evolve a thriving ecosystem of cloud-native telecoms where Cloud Native Network Functions (CNFs) from different vendors can inter-operate and run on the same immutable infrastructure.  It includes CNF compliance and verification testing based on requirements and best practices put forth by both the CNCF and CNTT.  These requirements feed tool-sets and testing scripts developed within OPNFV, ONAP and CNCF communities.


CNF Best Practice Criteria


CNFs are decomposed into loosely coupled collection of services (e.g. use micro-services design).


Micro-services should, where possible, be independent of the host operating system.


Micro-services should utilize well defined declarative APIs


Micro-services should be designed with a clean separation between stateful and stateless services (have separation of state storage and business logic)


Clear separation should exist between micro-services (e.g. use of containers)


Micro-services should provide a mechanism to verify container content. Containers should not require root level permissions. It should be possible to secure API access to a micro-service using common methods.


Micro-services should be resilient (self-healing and distributed)

  • A strategy for self-healing accompanies the micro-service
  • Is compatible with declarative configuration and container orchestration


Micro-services should be elastic (vertical and horizontal scaling in response to load)

  • A strategy for auto-scaling accompanies the micro-service
  • Is compatible with a declarative configuration and container orchestration


Micro-services should be dynamic - where possible, have a small footprint and fast startup time enabling efficient use of resources and rapid scaling.


Micro-services may utilize a service mesh for service-to-service communication over a network


Micro-service/Container life-cycle is managed by an orchestrator (e.g. K8s)


Micro-services utilize immutable infrastructure:


  • Infra is easily produced and repeatable (automated)


  • Infra is consistent (infrastructure elements are identical each time they are implemented)


  • Infra is disposable (create, destroy, replace, resize, etc.)


  • Configuration of infra is protected from changes after deployment


  • Deployment process of infra is versioned, automated, and all dependencies packaged together with the application during build phase and then used in deployment


  • Observable (infrastructure elements externalize their internal states to allow metrics, tracing, and logging)


  • Define MVP - by April 1
  • Validate approach with partners (CNTT, CNCF, LFN projects) - during ONES technicall event (April 20)
  • Implement “HelloWorld” sampleCNF test - Hackfest at June Developer and Testing Forum
  • Implement MVP - by Q1/Q2 2021


  • Tooling:
    • Cloud installation tools.
    • Testing Tools.
  • Cloud Infrastructure Validation Testing
    • Cloud Native ready post-install
    • Security patches
    • Functional
    • Manifest validation 
    • Performance
  • CNF Compliance Testing
    • Packaging: (Helm v3.0, TOSCA, HEAT)
    • Cloud Native.
    • On-Boarding and Lifecycle Management.
  • CNF Validation Testing:
    • API/Interfaces Testing
    • Major subsytem connectivity
    • Functional Testing
    • Performance Testing
    • Interoperability (?)
  • Badging:
    • Portal and process

Immediate task list for bootstrap:

  1. Identify cloud infrastructure installation tools.
  2. Identify Labs for testing.
  3. Identify projects to develop test scripts and tools to perform Cloud infrastructure functional testing and agree on scope.
  4. Agree on scope of CNF Onboarding testing.
  5. Identify projects to develop test scripts and tools to perform CNF testing and agree on scope.
  6. Agree on CVC portal.