All members are encouraged to contribute directly into this working draft.
Thoughts from Tom Kivlinas to how Kubernetes and the Kubernetes LCM fits into the existing NFV/MANO architecture, to help identify the interfaces and capabiltiies we do want to test in OVP2.0.
Note |
We should probably look to add key components such as SDN controllers and other functions that are required for the end-to-end functionality of a network service, if that's what we want to be testing (as per's comments in the call on . |
Gliffy | ||||
#6 Reduce Testing Intervals by 50% - How "50%" have been determined?
it was an early estimate based on discussions with Industry analysts and consultants. They looked at the POC/Interop phase for several carriers and the fact that VNF/CNF would be tested with NFVI across at least 2 vendors gives that number. BUT we would love to see actual numbers as a test case if possible.
#7 MANO++ - is it to confirm that ONAP is Mano++ meaning that ONAP is providing additional capabilities than Mano functions i.e. Control Loops, etc.?