Cloud Native Computing Foundation
How to engage
- Join the mailing list: https://lists.opnfv.org/g/OVP-p2
- Subscribe to the calendar for the meetings: https://lists.opnfv.org/g/OVP-p2/ics/7337234/1823902251/feed.ics
- Engage in the discussions at the weekly meetings
- Share your ideas on these wiki pages and comment sections at the bottom of every page
What is the Minimum Viable Program
- Tooling:
- Cloud installation tools into a given lab.
- Basic Testing Tools.
- Lab:
- Community development resource
- Platform details.
- Cloud Infrastructure Validation Conformance
- Cloud Native ready post-install
- Security patches ?
- Functional (CNTT RC2)
- Manifest validation
- CNF Compliance Conformance
- Packaging: (Helm v3.0, TOSCA, HEAT)
- Cloud Native.
- On-Boarding and Lifecycle Management.
- CNF Validation Conformance:
- API/Interfaces Testing
- Functional Testing (CNTT RC2)
- Badging:
- Test results review process
- Portal and badging process
Workstreams Proposal
- Define MVP - by April 1
- Validate approach with partners (CNTT, CNCF, LFN projects) - during weekly OVP p2 meetings <ADD LINK>
- Implement “HelloWorld” sampleCNF test - Hackfest at June Developer and Testing Forum
- Implement MVP - by Q1/Q2 2021