Common NFVI Telco Taskforce (CNTT)
Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF)
- Tooling:
- Cloud installation tools into a given lab.
- Basic Testing Tools.
- Lab:
- Community development resource
- Platform details.
- Cloud Infrastructure Validation Conformance
- Cloud Native ready post-install
- Security patches ?
- Functional (CNTT RC2)
- Manifest validation
- CNF Compliance Conformance
- Packaging: (Helm v3.0, TOSCA, HEAT)
- Cloud Native.
- On-Boarding and Lifecycle Management.
- CNF Validation Conformance:
- API/Interfaces Testing
- Functional Testing (CNTT RC2)
- Badging:
- Test results review process
- Portal and badging process
Workstreams Proposal
R2 Definition Requirements Activities (RA2/RI2/RC2) [Primary Owner: CNTT]
Development/Lab environment [Primary Owner OPNFV+CNTT] - What are the lab resources for hosting configurations for developing the NVFI and running on-going CI/CD verification tests? How can a “Lab as a Service” (LaaS) be instantiated for CNF/NFVI testing, development, and validation efforts? Does the CNCF TestBed meet the needs?
Test Tooling/Test Suite Development Based on Above Categories [Primary Owner: OPNFV]: Understand dependencies and what can be parallel processed. Also, what is the overall program test framework (e.g., Dovetail or something similar) that can plug in tests from projects and communities….
- On-boarding/Lifecycle Management testing - What are the preferred tools/methodologies for repeatably creating an NFVI environment supporting containers? Can CNFs be deployed and respond to basic lifecycle events?
- Platform test - What is the source for the tests and toolchains for developing and verifying the NFVI platform for container based CNFs? Are there existing CNCF infrastructure tests/standards that should be co-opted? What level of micro-services should be integrated into the standard platform? How do we validate each of the micro-services against a specific version of the platform?
- CNF test - What is the source for the tests and toolchains for developing and verifying the CNFs as the SUT atop a verified NFVI? How does the CNCF test bed integrate into the OVPp2 workflow and test process? With many micro-services as “helper functions”, how do we validate each of the micro-services against a specific version of the CNF?
- Performance testing - Both the infrastructure and CNF performance characterization would be useful - this is very difficult to cooperatively define/execute (DEFER)
CVC portal [Primary Owner: CVC] - Define the UI for consumers of the CVC and on-ramp for producers of NFVIs and CNFs to publish their successful validation process results? How to the CNF compliance tests (CNCF) figure into the telco focused OVPp2 process?
Governance/Structure/Mktg Framework [Primary Owner: CVC] - Includes 3rd party labs, white papers, slide decks. With input from MAC
MVP Roadmap
- Define MVP - by April 1
- Validate approach with partners (CNTT, CNCF, LFN projects) - during weekly OVP p2 meetings <ADD LINK>
- Implement “HelloWorld” sampleCNF test - Hackfest at June Developer and Testing Forum
- Implement MVP - by Q1/Q2 2021