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Trevor Cooper - for details on the RI stream you're leadingThis activity was initiated from a contribution proposal by Intel to setup a test-bed to install and characterize a Kubernetes bare-metal deployment based on a published Intel Kubernetes "networking reference". The linked document is from work done by Intel to help address Telco Cloud Native networking requirements using bare-metal Kubernetes. The proposal suggests leveraging OPNFV community lab resources and working with the OPNFV CIRV project. This is intended as a hands-on and iterative activity open to all CNTT participants learning together and collaborating with CNCF and other upstream communities.

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Activity Objectives

Install and configure a bare-metal Kubernetes environment with components and features aligned with RA-2 to help identify gaps and requirements ultimately improving CNTT Cloud Native specifications. Through this exercise we will learn more about 

  • Lab requirements 
  • Installer requirements (Provision nodes and install K8s with relevant features configured)
  • Help identify RI-2 requirements for installation, configuration and testing

Test deployments with various configurations and features

  • Experiment with tests to characterize a Cloud Native infrastructure (adopt and adapt where applicable from RC-1 and upstream communities wherever possible including CNCF)
  • Test requirements with methods, tools and test-cases that clearly delineate 1) Validation of RI-2 bare-metal Cloud Native infrastructure reference implementation 1) Commercially significant conformance criteria of commercial or open-source cloud-native solutions
  • hardware skus/platforms to Reference Model defined profiles and demonstrate commercial feasibility of profiles
  • Inform RC

Feedback and learnings will inform 

RM - HArdware prfiles / metrics

RM - software profiles 


Lab requirements





About the Intel OPNFV Community Lab

Currently the Intel OPNFV lab environments are configured as standard OPNFV "PODs" (not to be confused with a Kubernetes POD). Two environments (12 servers) have been reserved for this activity, lab resource allocation can be seen here For access VPN credentials can be obtained by following the standard OPNFV lab support process found here Access for individual access can be approved by either Tom Kivlinor Trevor Cooper.