Short Description: Control Loop subcommittee open discussion on Guilen Requirements
- Community: ONAP
- Detailed Description:
- Topic Leader(s): Pamela Dragosh
- Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): TBD
- Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): Pamela Dragosh
- Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): Pamela Dragosh
- Interested In Attending:
<Requirements Sub-Committee - Guilin Proposed Requirements>
Short Description: Presentation of requirements proposed for Guilin
- Community: ONAP
- Detailed Description:
- Topic Leader(s Alla.Goldnerand requirements owners
- Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): TBD
- Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): Alla.Goldner
- Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): Alla.Goldner
- Interested In Attending: