Table of Contents |
Short Description: Presentation of requirements proposed for Guilin
- Community: ONAP
- Detailed Description:
- Topic Leader(s Alla.Goldnerand requirements owners
- Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): TBD
- Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): Alla.Goldner
- Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): Alla.Goldner
- Interested In Attending:
<5G & PNF Use Case Team - Guilin Presentation>
Short Description: Presentation of 5G Use Cases and PNF Use Cases for proposed for Guilin
- Community: ONAP
- Detailed Description:
- Topic Leader(s Benjamin Cheung , Vimal Begwani and requirements owners
- Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): TBD
- Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): Benjamin Cheung
- Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): Benjamin Cheung
- Interested In Attending:
<Telemetry Reports Infra Automation & Closed Loop Automation>
Short Description: Presentation of requirements proposed for Guilin
- Community: ONAP
- Detailed Description:
<OPNFV: New Release Process>
Short Description: Discussion of details and agreements leading up to a new release process.
- Community: OPNFV (CNTT)
- Detailed Description: Previous Presentation
- Topic Leader(s): David McBride
- Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): Sofia Wallin (proposed)
- Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): name1
- Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): You can appoint an alternate host,
- Interested In Attending: If you are interested in this discussion and would like to participate in it, please add your name and email here (one name/email per line please). We'll use this information when building the schedule so that we minimize overbooking people where possible.
<OPNFV's overall progress against CNTT Requirements pre-Baldy Release>
Short Description: Review OPNFV's overall process to respond to CNTT Requirements pre-Baldy Release
- Detailed Description:
- Requirements Review (CIRV coverage status (Mar 31))
- Test Identification
- Ref Instantiation and automation of deployment and testing
- X-testing output to test-db, Web portal, and badging
- Demos
- Requirements Review (CIRV coverage status (Mar 31))
- Topic Leader(s): Al Morton Cédric Ollivier
- Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): Sofia Wallin (proposed)
- Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): name1
- Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): You can appoint an alternate host,
- Interested In Attending: