Table of Contents |
Short Description: Discussion of details and agreements leading up to a new release process.
- Community: OPNFV (CNTT)
- Detailed Description: Previous Presentation
- Topic Leader(s): David McBride
- Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): Sofia Wallin (proposed) Qiao Fu
- Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): Al Morton
- Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): You can appoint an alternate host,
- Interested In Attending: If you are interested in this discussion and would like to participate in it, please add your name and email here (one name/email per line please). We'll use this information when building the schedule so that we minimize overbooking people where possible.
Short Description: Discussion, Decisions, and all topics of importance to OPNFV.
- Community: OPNFV
- Detailed Description: Agenda available a few days in advance
- Topic Leader(s): Al Morton
- Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): Mark Beierl
- Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): Jim Baker
- Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): You can appoint an alternate host,
- Interested In Attending: All are welcome to attend, only TSC members can vote.
Short Description: Discussion of Cloud Native OVP (OVP 2.0) and cross community action items
- Community: CNTT, OPNFV, ONAP, CVC
- Detailed Description: As we continue to bootstrap the cloud native OVP program, let's bring together the R2 track attendees, those working on cloud native/CNFs in ONAP, and OPNFV to share relevant updates from the technical meetings and continue to make a plan forward for progress.
- Topic Leader(s): Heather Kirksey Lincoln Lavoie Rabi Abdel Olivier Smith
- Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): name1,
- Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): Heather Kirksey
- Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): You can appoint an alternate host, but we recommend that the Moderator and the Host be the same person.
- Interested In Attending:
Architecture Subcommittee (ArchCom) update, Guilin-R7 Reviews, ONAPDOCS Landing Page and more...
Short Description: ArchCom updates and plans for the rest of 2020
- Community: ONAP
- Detailed Description:
- Introduce the ONAPDOCS Landing Page project
- Present the improvements to the ArchCom reviews for the Guilin-R7 Release and beyond
- API Documentations
- Component Diagram updates
- etc...
- Topic Leader(s): Chaker Al-Hakim
- Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): NA
- Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time):
- Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): You can appoint an alternate host, but we recommend that the Moderator and the Host be the same person.
- Interested In Attending: