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Short Description: ONAP historically mostly documented the VM modeling, and now it moves into the cloudnative solution, so container modeling need to be documented as well, related documentation 1) Introduction of K8S module in MultiVIM project and 2) Invite K8S PoC could be found here:
- Community: ONAP
- Detailed Description: Agenda
- ETSI NFV container architecture
- Topic Leader(s): Andy Mayer, Hui Deng
- Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): Andy Mayer, DENG Hui
- Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): Andy Mayer, DENG Hui
- Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): Andy Mayer, DENG Hui
- Expected duration: 45 mins
- Interested In Attending: Andy Mayer, Hui Deng Xu Yang lishitao
Test Automation DevOps and
Short Description: Discuss how to integrate with CI/CD to accelerate OVP automated test process, and discuss the best practices for environment supervizionShow test automation demo with ONAP components and discuss how to leverage Devops and CI/CD to achieve test automation and continuous testing
- Community: ONAP
- Detailed Description: Open discussion, mainly involves the following two points:
1. How to improve OVP test automation and how to integrate with CI/CD tool chain to improve test iteration efficiency and automation.
2. Discussion of tooling & best practices dealing with ONAP supervizion, Infra supervizion, VNF supervizion
- Demonstration: leverage ONAP projects to build VNF end-to-end testing which will achieve automatic test topology design, automatic test environment deployment, automatic test execution and the test results collection
- Open discussion
- How to apply test frameworks in CI / CD? the integrated options?
- how to leverage DevOps and CI/CD techniques across the boundary from SW provider to service provider? how to build the joint pipeline between SW provider and service provider?
- Topic Leader(s): Yan Yang
- Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): name1, name2TBD
- Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): name1Yan Yang
- Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): You can appoint an alternate host, but we recommend that the Moderator and the Host be the same person. Yan Yang
- Expected duration: 45 mins
- Interested In Attending: If you are interested in this discussion and would like to participate in it, please add your name and email here (one name/email per line please). We'll use this information when building the schedule so that we minimize overbooking people where possible.
Hardware Delivery Validation tools demostration
Short Description: Discussion of details and agreements leading up to a new release process.
- Community: OPNFV (CNTT)
- Detailed Description: Previous Presentation
- Topic Leader(s): David McBride
- Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): Sofia Wallin (proposed) Qiao Fu
- Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): Al Morton
- Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): You can appoint an alternate host,
- Interested In Attending: If you are interested in this discussion and would like to participate in it, please add your name and email here (one name/email per line please). We'll use this information when building the schedule so that we minimize overbooking people where possible.
Short Description: Discussion, Decisions, and all topics of importance to OPNFV.
- Community: OPNFV
- Detailed Description: Agenda available a few days in advance
- Topic Leader(s): Al Morton
- Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): Mark Beierl
- Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): Jim Baker
- Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): You can appoint an alternate host,
- Interested In Attending: All are welcome to attend, only TSC members can vote.