Versions Compared


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Outstanding Action Items

Task report


General Update

  • LFN board will be reviewing / approving proposed charter this week.

Election Results

  • CVC
    • Chair: Lincoln Lavoie
    • Vice-chair: Yan Yang
  • Cloud Native Subcommittee
    • Lead: Trevor Lovett
    • Co-Lead: Rabi Abdel
  • Thank you to our new leaders and to all those who accepted nominations.

2020.r1 Release

  • OVP2020.r1 Planning Page
  • Infrastructure
    • Field trials are starting to get underway
      • Need to work on getting participants engaged in these efforts, to the tooling is tested outside of the LFN "pods"
    • Test Coverage for RC-1 of the RA-1 / RM-1 is approximately 80% of mandatory (done, or work is officially in progress), 40% of the "shoulds" (done, or in progress)
    • Tool chaining
      • Strategy for projects and repos to ensure tooling is easily accessible for end users.
      • Portal development 
  • VNF Badging
    • Work is largely complete for the Frankfurt ONAP release
    • Open Question, what should be captured for the "version number" in the results output for this release?
      • Within the code, the release / version should be encoded as "2020.r1,"  while the marketing and portal will translate this to the format of "year.month" to maintain alignment with past releases and the program.
    • Pending:
      • Read the docs updates, etc.
  • Portal Updates
    • Dovetail project is presenting resource needs to the TSC tomorrow.
    • No changes to the VNF results output
    • X-testing results processing will be the bigger lift within the portal.
      • OPNFV Test API was discussed during the LFN virtual meetings, call for developers
      • Test API / DB can provide a "at a glance" view of results

Cloud Native Subcommittee

  • WS01 - Program Governance
  • Next steps for sub-committee governance will be formalizing the reporting and alignment of the subcommittee, to avoid any duplication of work and reporting.

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