LF Staff: LJ Illuzzi Kenny Paul Jim Baker Brandon Wick
Committee Members: Fernando Oliveira Ahmed El Sawaf , Javier Ger , Ken KANISHIMA , Lei Huang Marc-Alexandre Choquette Ryan Hallahan Vincent Colas , Atul Purohit,
Guests: Scott Blandford
- Start the Recording
- Antitrust Policy
- Agenda Bashing (Roll Call, Action Items (5 minutes)
- General Topics
- <Topics>
Action items
White paper
- Brandon Wick suggests updating v3.0 with final edits
ONAP Release G priorities
- Proposal to present a overview at the virtual DTF - https://wiki.lfnetworking.org/x/2QwQAg
- Sessions proposed for a discussion of the requirements traceability process and the Guilin requirements
- ONAP requirements injection/followup - https://wiki.onap.org/x/LyJIB
- Requirements deadline -
- CNTT link Ahmed El Sawaf for bridging the requirements
VNF requirements
- Survey got few responses - suggested a re-opening of survey to get more input
Action items
- Lei Huang Javier Ger Contact ONAP TSC with priorities for Rel G and create mapping of EUAG priorities and mapping to plans
- Jim Baker to reopen survey
- Lei Huang to publish a email stating purpose and asking for response