- Pankaj.Goyal (AT&T)
- Brian Bearden (AT&T)
- Beth Cohen (Verizon)
- Rabi Abdel (Vodafone)
- Tom Van Pelt (Deactivated) (GSMA)
- Jonne Soininen (Nokia)
- Gergely Csatari (Nokia)
- Walter.kozlowski (Telstra)
- Ahmed El Sawaf (stc)
- William DIEGO (Orange) (Orange)
Topics (w/Notes)
- Anti-Trust Policies:
- Walk-on Items
- Virtual Conference Feedback (open discussion) 10 min
- Governance Meetings - Do we need both the Governance Master AND the governance work-stream meetings? Brian Bearden (AT&T) 5 min
- CNTT - Future mode Status Scot Steele (AT&T ) - 5 min
- Field Trail updates Scot Steele (AT&T - 5 min
- LFN / GSMA: Jim Baker (LFN)/Tom Van Pelt (GSMA) - 5 min
- Technology Topics Rabi Abdel (Vodafone), Walter Kozlowski (Telstra) 10 min
- CIRV – OPNFV: Fu Qiao (CM) 5 min
- Governance Officers Items: 10 min
- Governance Steering Brian Bearden (AT&T)
- Marketing/Recruitment: Nick Chase (Mirantis), Toshi Wakayama (KDDI), Bob Monkman (Intel)
- Adoption: Rabi Abdel (Vodafone), Beth Cohen (Verizon), Brian Bearden (AT&T)
- Business Metrics: Jonne Soininen (Nokia), Joanna Newman (VF)
- Cross-Community Coordinator: Phil Robb (Ericsson), Jim Baker (LFN)
- Governance Steering Brian Bearden (AT&T)