Action Items
Task report | ||
HPE Exemption
- Results / application have been approved and been listed in NFVI portal
- Have added the notice to the NFVI portal for the suspension of 2019.12 badge
- "he OPNFV TSC has suspended the OVP2019.12 release for the Infrastructure Badge. Work is now focused on shifting the program to support the requirements developed within the CNTT RC-1 workstream. At this time, no applications for the OVP2019.12 badge will be accepted for review."
CNTT RC-1 trials
- The latest status for driving the 2020.r1 NFVI badge.
Performance Testing Definitions
[TSC Glossary] Terminology definition for testing
Cloud Native Subcommittee Updates
- Trevor Lovett will send out some proposed time slots for discussion about the plan for the badges structure (i.e. CNCF vs CNTT, etc.) to ensure any badges / levels are easily communicated / understood by end consumers.
- Cross-community requirements gathering is still ongoing. status?
ONES (Sep 28 - 30) and Fall Technical Community Meetings Plan (October 13-15, 2020).
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Any other business
- Next Meeting: September 14, 2020