Topic: CNTT Governance Steering
Date: Nov 5, 2020 06:56 Central Time (US and Canada)
Meeting Recording:
- Meld Wiki: https://wikilf-networking.lfnetworkingatlassian.orgnet/wiki/x/YQpoAgb4Dm
- TSC Status (no PPT)
- Github info (milestones, Open PRs, Pulse), Baraque Release Highlights, CNTT Elbrus Release Cycle,
- Readthedocs!
- Anti-Trust Policies:
Walk-on Items
- Beth - update + Request on Edge – Due to some changes in resources and where the work is going, the Edge working group realized that it is time to contribute its work back into the main workstreams and has requested that it be folded back in to the RM workstream, with appropriate pieces put into the RA docs. This is similar to what happened with the networking task force. Walter RM lead supports this and the Governance Committee supported as well.
- Meld Updates Jim Baker (LFN) Scot Steele (AT&T)
- Interim TSC: Nomination and voting
- Vote of Confidence in Meld
- Symbolic vote to merge with OPNFV as Anuket. We should do this at the Next Gov meeting (11/12/2020)
- Interim TSC: Nomination and voting
- Field Trials Update Scot Steele (AT&T) 2 min
- Cédric Ollivier continues to support FT efforts with Mirantis. Thank you Cedric!
- October LFN Technical Virtual Conference: Jim Baker Scot Steele 5 Min
- Feedback ? can be found at:
- LFN / GSMA: Jim Baker (LFN)/Tom Van Pelt (GSMA) - 5 min
- Jim Baker Heather Kirksey
- No other news
- Tom Van Pelt (Deactivated) Walter.kozlowski
- RM Document is still working toward approval, finalize by end of the day to day
- Walter.kozlowski planning an OITF meeting to announce approval around Monday
- RM Being reviewed within Telstra!
- Jim Baker Heather Kirksey
- Technology Topics, Scott Steinbrueck (AT&T) - 8 min
- OITF - GSMA Task Force Walter.kozlowski - GSMA endorsement
- Survey for SDN at Ahmed El Sawaf
- Discussion about vF2F conference, Meld, Issue cleanup automation
Expand Insert excerpt CNTT Elbrus Release Cycle CNTT Elbrus Release Cycle
- CIRV – OPNFV: Fu Qiao (CM) 5 min
- CIRV going smoothly with the Jerma release
- Documentation is the focus, and everything will be on time for the release
- Marketing/Metrics/Adoption: Nick Chase (Mirantis), Toshi Wakayama (KDDI), Bob Monkman (Intel) - 5 Min
- MMA call is no longer needed, folding into the Meld discussions
- Anuket Mission Statement/Scope Final Draft
- Cross-Community Coordinator: Phil Robb (Ericsson), Jim Baker (LFN) - 2 Min
- CNCF Cross Community Badging
Minutes -
Technology Topics: TSC call focused on Interim TSC membership/elections
CNTT does have a voting method defined in the TOR, it has rarely been used.
Salient Points of Voting method:
all Participants will designate one voting representative per group of Related Companies (each, a “Voting Representative”).
While the Project aims to operate as a consensus - based community, if any CNTT decision requires a vote to move forward, each Voting Representative will vote on a one vote per Voting Representative basis.
A quorum is not required in the CNTT to conduct business. However, the CNTT may agree via consensus to observe a quorum requirement, provided such requirement is announced in the meeting notice. In case the CNTT agrees via consensus to observe a quorum requirement, one - third of the CNTT shall constitute a quorum for conducting business at a meeting
How do we define the Participating Members for Voting - This data is now on the Meld Zone
TSC call item: How do we ensure equitable distribution of operators and suppliers on the TSC?
Proposals offered: there are 18 "Active" companies, should we designate only one TSC member per company? Most agree on this concept - provided it's across the Anuket TSC. Thus OPNFV election will influence the CNTT election.
Voting: should we have a Tiebreaker from LFN? it's unusual, but yes.
Nominations: How do we nominate? Operators/suppliers that are not on OPNFV should be given preference in CNTT.
We can identify those operators now, and nominate people prior to the to OPNFV Election, then CNTT vote happens after OPNFV.
Thus we have the participating companies "volunteer" a person.
Break out would be 5 Operators (Orange, STC, Verizon, Vodaphone, Telstra)
2 Suppliers - suggest Huawei and Nokia
Fu Qiao expressed concern regarding how to ensure the all operators have opportunity. Also the election in OPNFV is based on meritocracy, this process seems more oriented to the participating companies.
Decision: OPNFV election will occur then CNTT will Select nominations to support equitable distribution of Operator/suppliers.
- Governance Work Stream Items
- RI/RC-1 Trial – Goals, Expectation, and Plans