Ref | Description | Comments/Notes |
auto.cicd.001 | The CI/CD pipeline must support deployment on any cloud and cloud infrastructures including different hardware accelerators. | CI/CD pipelines automate CI/CD best practices into repeatable workflows for integrating code and configurations into builds, testing builds including validation against design and operator specific criteria, and delivery of the product onto a runtime environment. Example of an open-source cloud native CI/CD framework is the Tekton project (https://tekton.dev/) |
auto.cicd.002 | The CI/CD pipelines must use event-driven task automation | |
auto.cicd.003 | The CI/CD pipelines should avoid scheduling tasks | |
auto.cicd.004 | The CI/CD pipeline is triggered by a new or updated software release being loaded into a repository | The software release cane be source code files, configuration files, images, manifests Operators may support a single or multiple repositories and may, thus, specify which repository is to be used for these release. An example, of an open source repository is the CNCF Harbor (https://goharbor.io/) |
auto.cicd.005 | The CI pipeline must scan source code and manifests to validate for compliance with design and coding best practices. | |
auto.cicd.006 | The CI pipeline must support build and packaging of images and deployment manifests from source code and configuration files. | |
auto.cicd.007 | The CI pipeline must scan images and manifests to validate for compliance with security requirements. | Refer to RM Chapter 07 (https://github.com/cntt-n/CNTT/blob/master/doc/ref_model/chapters/chapter07.md#79-consolidated-security-requirements) Examples of such security requirements include only ingesting images, source code, configuration files, etc. only form trusted sources. |
auto.cicd.008 | The CI pipeline must validate images and manifests | Example, different tests |
auto.cicd.009 | The CI pipeline must validate with all hardware offload permutations and without hardware offload | |
auto.cicd.010 | The CI pipeline must promote validated images and manifests to be deployable. | Example, promote from a development repository to a production repository |
auto.cicd.011 | The CD pipeline must verify and validate the tenant request | Example, RBAC, request is within quota limits, affinity/anti-affinity, |
auto.cicd.012 | The CD pipeline after all validations must turn over control to orchestration of the software | |
auto.cicd.013 | The CD pipeline must be able to deploy into Development, Test and Production environments | |
auto.cicd.014 | The CD pipeline must be able to automatically promote software from Development to Test and Production environments | |
9.5.3 Tenant creation automation