5G Super Blueprint
- Amar Kapadia <Insert slides here>
View file name 5G Super Blueprint Presentation 04 07 21.pdf height 250 - Integration effort - all contributions will be up stream
- Will mix open source and proprietary components (ORAN) initially with the long-term goal of full open source
- cl664y@att.com Magma orchestrator does not have the network slicing that is implemented in ONAP, is there an opportunity to use ONAP SO in the Magma space?
- Magma orchestrator is NOT the full featured orchestrator that ONAP is, they are independent/complementary functions
- Perhaps rename "Magma Orchestrator" to HSS emulator
- Phase 2 - network slicing is aggressive
- Phase 3 - Use open source O-RAN
- Plan on asking Anuket and other LFN projects to consolidate offerings and suggest a platform
- Tactically target for the July time frame (aggressive)
- Install kuberef 1&2
- install onap and emco
- register kuberef2 with onap+emco
- onboard cnfs 1&2 & vnf 1
- create network services with xNFs
- deploy network service
- register awg with magma
- manually config awg and run the tests
- Acceleration needed in Magma - ONAP integration (LCM, closed loop automation, etc.) + O-RAN integration (OSC) + lab resources (using LaaS now) + XCI-style CI pipeline (build from master)
- cl664y@att.com ONAP enterprise taskforce will focus on the integration here
- Governance - bwick leads meetings in LFN, LJ Illuzzi PM support
- Spanning multiple projects - need to cover the IP with clear licensing (needs LF legal input)
- Scripts/recipes & glue code will be authored for the implementation of the blueprint - to be stored in public repo
- Wiki page - https://wiki.lfnetworking.org/x/DAADAw
- cl664y@att.com Prefer to centralize the Jira for the project. ONLY pull content from upstream, no forks for existing projects.
- djhunt How can we generalize the 5G blueprint to include enterprise networking?
- Perhaps the use cases can include non-telco verticals