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- Slides:
- Anuket Value Proposition, as original defined with the project kick off (Gergely Csatari) - 5 minutes
- Anuket Assured Recap (Lincoln Lavoie) - 5 minutes
- Anuket Reference Architecture 2 Recap (TBD) - 5 minutes
- Anuket Reference Conformance 2 Recap (Scot Steele) - 5 minutes
- ONAP CNF Task Force Recap (TBD) - 5 minutes
- CNCF Requirements Recap (TBD) - 5 minutes
- Creation of a 2022 Deliverables and Road Map - 30 minutes
Please tag yourself here if you would like to attend, so you can track this page and receive updates as items and presentation materials are added.
- Lincoln Lavoie
- Beth Cohen
- Scot Steele
- Olivier Smith
- Marc Price
- David McBride
- Kenny Paul
- Sandra Jackson (Deactivated)
- Al Morton
- Lei Huang
- Ranny Haiby
- Olivier Smith
- @Ryan van Wyk
- Thinh Nguyenphu
- Scott Steinbrueck
- Ulrich Kleber
- Rihab Banday
- Pankaj.Goyal
- Anuket Mission & Vision
- Currently developing two technology specific reference architectures (RA1 and RA2)
- Reference Certification (RC1 & RC2) provides test cases to verify an implementation meets the requirements of the reference architectures.
- Introducing Anuket Assured at the LFN level. The board wanted to have a way to badge and verify the value of the projects to the community and help with making more standards across the projects and of course across the industry.
- I think it is a great platform to solve real problems than being relegated to communicating with vendor/suppliers engineering teams and off course being able to work with best in class
- The program is comprehensive because it covers all the layers of the architecture – Infrastructure, workload and lab testing
- Functional vendors and Telcos are not competing on infrastructure, so the project drives efficiencies in the entire Industry. That is less true for the infrastructure vendors – need to have a balance for these vendors.
- CNCF is also working on the development of a set of conformance program for CNF workloads, Gergely setup a doodle poll to get a meeting scheduled: https://doodle.com/poll/sic9fe6y5ktw6hmu?utm_source=poll&utm_medium=link
- Anuket Assured 2021.10 release documentation: https://gitlab.com/lfnetworking/cvc/anuket-assured-docs/-/tree/Release.2021.10
- Scope of coverage can drive the value derived from a program.
- We need to translate that into what is being developed by the project's testing work, such as Anuket RC2, so that work can be consumed / adopted into the Anuket Assured Program.
- Need to have an environment where the communities can work with "real" examples of workloads (CNFs) (read as commercial) compared with the open source workloads that are sometimes used for testing by the communities.
- There are still a lot of proprietary requirements from workloads on the infrastructure, where the vendors of commercial workloads may not want to expose all of those requirements.
- Programs need to provide very clear steps and process for the vendors, with a clear outcome (i.e. you get badge XYZ)
- Work is currently organized across multiple groups / projects
- CVC meets every Monday: 10am Eastern USA https://zoom.us/j/95516061078?pwd=WlpKTHFPU2N3OG83UU1ZdU8rTkdPZz09
- Compliance and Verification Committee
- https://gitlab.com/lfnetworking/cvc/anuket-assured-docs
ONAP CNF Task Force meets every Tuesday: 9am Eastern USA https://zoom.us/j/219945081?pwd=ZEN3U3daem9oMGJuZ3BXZExCdldkUT09
CNCF Test Suite meets every Thursday: 11am Eastern USA https://zoom.us/j/447235918
CNCF CNF WG meets every Monday: 11am Eastern USA https://zoom.us/j/97556246445?pwd=VTMrSjRWQ3pSMVZGQmNRemEwUk14QT09
CNCF CNF WG: https://github.com/cncf/cnf-wg
CNCF TUG + CNF Testbed: https://www.cncf.io/telecom-user-group/
Testing should include more than functional testing (i.e. should include capacity and performance testing - how big is it? how fast is it?).
- Do we need to ensure Anuket Ambassadors can speak to the Anuket Assured Program?
- LF staff can help to anonymize input, such as what is tested now by an operator...