- L3AF team introduced themselves and presented the Induction proposal.
- Materials were distributed on https://lists.lfnetworking.org/g/lfn-tac/message/1200
- Doc for eBPF Package Repository : https://github.com/l3af-project/l3af-arch/blob/main/discussions/prog_repo.md
- Discussion about committer governance
- Dave Thaler l3af has committers listed in CODEOWNERS such as https://github.com/l3af-project/l3afd/blob/main/CODEOWNERS
- This one needs work though: https://github.com/l3af-project/eBPF-Package-Repository/blob/main/CODEOWNERS
- https://github.com/l3af-project/governance/issues/6 is the issue about Brian's point
- Ed Warnicke example link https://fd.io/getinvolved/tscdocs/
- Karan Dalal Open issue on adding CONTRIBUTING and PROCEDURES file - https://github.com/l3af-project/governance/issues/10
- #Agreed: The TAC recommends L3AF be inducted as a Sandbox Project to the LFN Governing Board
Other topics have been differed to the next meeting due to time.