- The TAC discussed the methods for filling the new appointed member seats.
- It was suggested that we have a Security and 5G SBP SMEs.
- Casey Cain and Ranny Haiby suggested that we start defining the specific needs before voting on specific seats
- Ranny Haiby offered to prepare a draft role definition for a security SME.
- LJ Illuzzi to prepare a role description description for 5G SME
- Casey noted that community feedback has led us to believe that we need to discuss revitalizing our Infra Committee and possible topics.
- Casey Cain CI Optimization and the roles between the community and LF.
- Andrew Grimberg Global JJB is open to the community for contribution. We also have Jenkins Pipeline which we can use as an alternative.
- ODL is migrating to Pipelines.
- Cédric Ollivier to prepare a draft agenda
- Casey Cain to send out a poll to the TAC and community to find a meeting time for the Infra Meeting
- Olaf Renner asked us to invite Matt Watkins
- Casey Cain CI Optimization and the roles between the community and LF.