Absent (but included so they receive the meeting minutes):
Open Action Items
Task report | ||
Agenda & Minutes
Standing Items:
- Review any Open Action Items (from weekly Minutes)
- Review any Issues in Gitlab
Topics for this week:
- All -review requested: Verification – LF Networking
- Sandra - Updates from ONE Summit and D&TF
- D&TF recordings
- Olivier/Scot - Updates from our call before Thanksgiving
- Action items from that meeting are added below.
- Scot - Any updates from RI2
- Yan/Kodi - Any updates from review of program documentation structure
New Action Items
- Scot Steele - Identify RA2 Workload Requirements and the RC2 Tests (for Nile Release) that would be mandatory for an Anuket Assured R2 compliant workload.
- Olivier Smith - Talk with Taylor about which parts he sees as valuable to certify (Certified Kubernetes). Kuberef is using KubeSpray which is a certified K8s installer. What more?
- Olivier Smith - Setup call with Lincoln, Scot, Olivier (others from Anuket Assured welcome). Two topics - 1) Do we certify RI2 at UNH as a precursor to UNH being a Certified Lab? 2) Is UNH interested to become a certified lab for compliance testing of R2 infra and workloads?
- Olivier Smith - Once RI2 is up/running/passing the R2 infra tests - look into MATRIXX interest to start testing for R2 workload compliance.
Meeting Recording
Sandra Jackson (Deactivated) - to include after the meeting. GMT20221128-135828_Recording_1920x1080.mp4