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ChairpersonVice-ChairSecurity Seat5G-SBP


Vice-Chairperson Election

Marketing the LFN

  • Jill Lovato spoke about participation MAC participation
    • Suggested that she and Pano Xinos join the TAC regularly.  Asks that the TAC appoint a representative that comes to the MAC calls. 
  • Currently, the MAC only meets quarterly. 
  • Muddasar Ahmed Can you share a presentation for pitching to developers?
    • Olaf Renner  we need more feedback from the Projects what they need from Marketing.
    • Gergely Csatari we haven't promoted the last few Anuket releases.   Can we do more release marketing?
      • Kenny Paul Who is the Anuket MAC rep?
      • Jill Lovato It was in the initial design that there was a representative from the projects to the MAC and cross-coordiantion with the TAC, but that seems to have fallen through the cracks.
      • Olaf Renner volunteered to participate in the quarterly MAC participation.
  • Casey Cain asked if there was anything that we can do to improve the participation of Project level marketing.
  • Jill Lovato We've been looking at expanding our engagement to other platforms.  We are looking at possibly engaging more on Reddit.  We are certainly interested to hear from the community about other communication channels we should participate in.
  • Olaf Renner would it be worth it do have a monthly project spotlight?
  • Muddasar Ahmed it would be nice to have some clarity on the SEO efforts that we've made.  We may be too granular with our information.  


  • Amy Zwarico provided a high-level overview of what it would mean for LFN projects to be secure. 
    • Security must be a part of the design from the beginning 
    • OpenSSF badging is the "gold standard" for security awareness
      • There is a checklist of things to be filled out, and can be completed in about an hour for each project
    • A discussion about SPDX SBOM generation.
      • Most of is C and is not currently supported by code scanning tools.
  • Frank Brockners asked if we have secured our APIs in the projects?
    • Amy Zwarico This was done in the ONAP community but can not speak to the other projects.
      • Will follow up on this and update the documentation
  • Amy Zwarico For transparency, the Projects should document a security and resilient deployment configurations for the code

Action items
