- implement an example O-cloud infrastructure hosting one or more O-RAN NF(s) (e.g. O-CU, O-DU) at Rutgers University Winlab WINLAB (https://winlab.rutgers.edu/)
- develop a setup and tutorial to enable multiple users to replicate the cloud-native open-source implementation and contribute to open source
- study and develop open-source software to support management/data collection of the infrastructure and NFs from the SMO, using energy consumption as an example
- Implement an example O-cloud infrastructure in Rutgers Winlab WINLAB using methods aligned with LF/LFN open-source projects. We intend to make this available to users globally to perform academic/open-source research
- Demonstrate instantiation of sample O-RAN NF(s) on O-cloud
- Implement sample SMO functionality for cloud management/orchestration
- Demonstrate data collection from cloud/NF(s) through O2 interface (e.g. energy consumption of O-DU)
Preference will be given to graduate students, and students with interest in pursuing this work for their graduate research. The student can work remotely, or join other interns onsite at Winlab WINLAB in North Brunswick, NJ.
N. K. Shankaranarayanan, shankar@winlab.rutgers.edu, Rutgers WinlabWINLAB
Ivan Seskar, seskar@winlab.rutgers.edu, Rutgers WinlabWINLAB
Seshu Mudiganti, seshukumar.mudiganti@windriver.com, Windriver