Azure Arc, Google Anthos, AWS GitOps all implement a GitOps way of deploying applications to K8s clusters. That is, when the CI/CD or users write an application in a git repository, the sync agent in a cluster will be notified of the new application and will read the git repository, and will send the app to its local K8s API server. For geo-distributed applications, intelligent and on-demand deployment, as well as automatic setup of network connections between these apps, is needed. EMCO can act as an intelligent entity that adds intelligent deployment decisions to the app in the git repository. Selected clusters' sync agents can be notified at the right time to read the app for deployment. In this release, we will support the integration of EMCO with Azure Arc. That is, after EMCO makes the intelligent decision, EMCO will interact with the Azure Arc to program the selected edge cluster's sync agent to pull the application to its local cluster.
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