CI/CD/CT Open Source O-RAN Testbed - Led by UNH-IOL
LJ Illuzzi to add presentaton
Opportunity for Accuknox to contribute security attributes (@Raj to bring internal).Muddasar Ahmed to reach out to Rajul
Joint LFN/LF Edge Use Case- Application Centric Connectivity
Current work items from 11/12:
Application Centric Connectivity(See meeting notes at bottom of page)
Rough Agenda for 12/03:
Review solution benefits, key attributes, User Stories
Key attributes for Service Providers
Generic attributes that can be used cross-vertically
Start outlining BOM/SBOM
Start outlining Outreach for potential end-users
Next meeting meeting logistics
1700 UTC / 9am PT / 12noon ET
Nephio + 5GSBP
Nephio SIG looking at ambient MESH, and and also to see if they can incorpate spiffe workload identity.
Next Steps for the SIG-
Define what architecture they will follow
Determine if it can provide security use case using Nephio to orchestrate security controls, meaning they can deploy the proxy. And can deploy the ambient mesh, or it can deploy on spire server and agent.
Action Item: Muddasar Ahmed to reach out to the security group for update and applicability to 5G SBP.