Technical update
Pravein’s security projectzero-trust project
Schedule a brownbag for understanding this project more
Getting ready for a first release
PR up now for feature flags
New undergrad(s) and new projects
Potential research project: extracting intent
Focus more on this after January (SIGCOMM deadline)
Project Visibility
KubeCon Europe update
Will reach out to Networking TAG under CNCF as well
Look into meetups
Schedule a more technical talk for next meeting? (Validation? Security?)
\uD83D\uDDE3 Discussion topics
LF Networking Project Release Blog Template: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc1Dmp8kQfN8n2eVcFdI19p9P1-ZzLbQGSSqih3abqWsXTZew/viewform
Upcoming Events