5G Super Blueprint Overview and Getting Started
Technical Presentations:
5G Quality on Demand. Presented by Infosys. Associated with 5G SBP project Upstreaming to Nephio
View file name 5G Quality on Demand.pdf Next Steps:
@Ganesh Narayan add Key Message slides
@Ganesh, @LJ get on Nephio PTL calendar
QORE: Quantumized 5G Core. Presented by Coran Labs
View file name QORE LFN SBP Coran Labs Presentation.pdf Next Steps:
SHANKAR MALIK add Key Message slides to intro.
LJ Illuzzi SHANKAR MALIK get on ONAP SECCOM calendar. Work through Byung?
LJ Illuzzi SHANKAR MALIK Rahul get on Nephio PTL calendar. Work through Byung?
What? Technical presentation and demo on EdgeLake & Federated Learning. Relevant to 5G SBP Use Case - Application Centric Connectivity
When? Thursday Feb 6. 8am PT/ 11am ET/ 9:30pm IST/ 1600 UTC
New Project
Upcoming Events
Open Networking & Edge Summit, hosted at EXCEL London on Monday, March 31. This is the same venue where KubeCon + CloudNativeCon EU will take place, beginning April 1.
Developer / tech focused
Add-on to KubeCon registration
LFN's KubeCon + CloudNative Con EU sponsorship enables us to host Cloud Native Telco Day. LFN will have a booth onsite at the main KC + CNC show floor, April 2-4.
Call to Action- LFN is looking for community members to help staff the booth, as well as project or collaborative demos that we can showcase in the booth.
Reach out to Jill Lovato, jlovato@linuxfoundation.org, if you want to volunteer at the LFN booth or have a project or collaborative demo to showcase at the booth
Take the 2025 Networking & Open Source Survey. Take the survey and get 30% off registration for Open Networking & Edge Summit https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7295139609246650368/
Whats the survey about? LFN is partnering with Linux Foundation Research to explore trends and priorities in open source networking. We're looking for insights from industry professionals to get a better picture of open source use, opportunities, and challenges in the telecom industry.
Project Updates:
New Projects:
5G SBP Use Case - Indian Open-Source Software Platform for end-to-end Mobile Communication Networks- Project Lead- Sridhar Rao
Next Steps: Set up outreach similar to Appplication Centric Connectivity. Goal: abstract the capabilites and benefits in a language that anybody in telco, service provider, or enterprise networking, would say “That’s relevant to my business.”
Project Updates:
Presentation from 02/04:
View file name 5G Quality on Demand.pdf
https://lf-networking.atlassian.net/wiki/x/MACJDQ Reference Open Source Testbed - Led by UNH-IOL
Next Steps:
Opportunity for Accuknox to contribute security attributes (@Raj to bring internal).Muddasar Ahmed to reach out to Rajul
What is required from Accuknox? What are the benefits? Muddasar Ahmed . Muddasar spoke with Rahul. Pending Rahul assessment.
Look at HEXAeBPF. What is the fit? eUPF? SHANKAR MALIK to review test bed proposal
Add Backlog (Nephio) to Use Case for tracking purposes Lincoln Lavoie
Add Roadmap section Lincoln Lavoie
Setup a recurring separate project meeting or use this meeting?
Keep on the Tuiesday bi-weekly status meeting.
Project overview:
View file name UNH-IOL Open Source CI_CD_CT Integration Dec2024.pdf
Joint LFN/LF Edge Use Case- Application Centric Connectivity
Updates and Current work items
Outreach Messaging is completed
Goals- abstract the capabilites and benefits in a language that anybody in enterprise networking, telco, or service provider, would say “That’s relevant to my business”, to recruit contributors and end users of the solution.
Initial communication plan for Outreach messaging is drafted: individual outreach, TSC presentationsNext meeting meeting logistics
1700 UTC / 9am PT / 12noon ET
Look at next steps from 02/11