TSC Meeting Zoom link
Meeting Recording
Meeting Chat File
Attendees & Representation. Please add your name to the attendance table below.
Attendees | |
Name | Company |
Steve | Microsoft |
Karan Dalal | Walmart |
Jason Niesz | Walmart |
Satya Pradhan | Walmart |
Walmart | |
Dhivya R | Walmart |
Dave Thaler | Microsoft |
Mike Dvorkin | |
Rishabh Gupta | Walmart |
Walmart | |
LF Staff:
Meeting note taker
Welcome to new attendees
LFN Induction - finalize slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1KS8DIUA2HeCctezA4WrbHfN7IyWkBpvA/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=115348460061026676315&rtpof=true&sd=true
General Topics
Use Cases
Project structure
- Followup from 02/16 TSC
Technical Steering Committee
- LFN Badging Program
- Consolidating eBPF program repos into a single repo / Need a TSC vote to make it public
LFN Induction-
- We are on the agenda for March 09. Invite to follow.
- List of presenters:
- LJ, Karan, .......
- Review induction material
- Send notice to the TAC (email)
- L3AFD Secure web API discussion - Santhosh
- Make ePR Repo public - Karan/Santhosh
LFx Security- provide an example of an Input? As discussed on previous TSC
LFN Badging program link: https://lf-networking.atlassian.net/wiki/x/tD7v
Action Items
- Santhosh Fernandes Karan Dalal change license in eBPF Package repo to allow multiple licenses
- LJ Illuzzi Open PR to add CONTRIBUTING and PROCEDURES file to goverance Repo
- Karan Dalal Make ePR Repo public