If you do not have an LF ID you can get one here: https://myprofile.lfx.linuxfoundation.org/
Name | Company |
Intel | |
Srinivasa Addepalli | Aryaka |
Manjunath Ranganathaiah (Deactivated) | Intel |
Ritu Sood (Deactivated) | Intel |
Amar Kapadia | Aarna Networks |
Adarsh Chittilappilly | Intel |
@ Ilhem Fajjari | Orange |
Victor Morales | Samsung |
LFN Staff: LJ Illuzzi
- LF Antitrust Policy
- Welcome new members
- Opens?
- Budget Needs LFN 2023
- 2209 Release Update
- Readout from Relocation WG or Friday Architecture Meetings
- ONE Summit Early Bird Registration ends on 09/09
- Cloud SASE Use case
We went over the 2023 Budget Request Table Louis sent the TSC List. Most of the infrastructure and IT needs are well covered for us today. No new needs.
We do need the Insight onboarding done for EMCO, which is stuck in resource delays but is still scheduled to happen. And we do still need the LFX Security Scan support completed but these are not budget asks.
AR: LJ Illuzzi to look into the LFX Security Scan status
We do want to have the option to support another Mentor/Intern pair-up and so we will ask for the Same allocation as 2022
We would like to see more marketing opportunities if possible. We are grateful for the Equinix and Orange Case Study pieces. One suggestion is for LFN to secure a community booth at future Kubecon events.
Amar volunteered to write a blurb as to how EMCO presence could be relevant to this booth and send it to a few folks for review as input.
Louis mentioned that if/when we complete our project promotion to Incubation status, there could be more marketing $$ available/allocated to us
AR: LJ Illuzzi is going to check into whether there is a defined amount.
Louis provide the link to the process to migrate to INcubation and this is linked in the Future Agenda items for next meeting when we will go over that.
AR: LJ Illuzzi to plan to go over the Incubation process next meeting
Ritu gave a brief verbal confirmation that the items listed on the 2209 Release wiki page are still mostly on track, with some concern around App Config but we will keep pushing to get that into this release.
Ritu gave a brief readout of the last Friday Technical team meeting, which was centered on the ramping effort to add an Observability Framework to EMCO. We are implementing an Observability stack and fleshing out what kinds of metrics the stack will capture and leverage/give visbility to; events, counters, logs, traces etc are being discussed.
Ilhem gave a brief readout of the EMCO Relocation WG, which has not met very much recently due to holiday period, but she noted that the big item up for discussion and planning right now is the implementation of a Placement Controller. Also looking at how metrics can influence the policy of the placement controller decision process.
Louis noted that tomorrow, Sept 9 is the deadline for early bird registration for ONE Summit Nov 2022 in Seattle, WA USE. LFN members can use discount code ONE22LFNMEM for further discount.
Please visit https://events.linuxfoundation.org/one-summit-north-america/register/ to register
Finally, Srini noted that he is working with Ritu and others on sketching out a cloud native SASE use case. I noted that we have a wiki page that was created for this use case back in June.
AR: Srinivasa Addepalli will work with Ritu offline to flesh out the description of the Use case for review at a future meeting.
Future Agenda items:
Incubation checklist- LFN Project Lifecycle