Discussion items
Action items
- Morgan Richomme
- Thanh Ha
- Kenny Paul
- Former user (Deleted)
- Trevor Bramwell
- Ed Kern (Deactivated)
- Former user (Deleted)
- Jim Baker
- Vratko Polak
- ChrisC
- Brian Wong
- Ed Vielmetti
Discussion items
Phil arranged for funds to cover POC accounts for folks that need to do larger capacity testing
Casey indicate status on these two action items : Steve Ira is working on the numbers for us and we should have them soon.
- Need to get estimate of "build minutes" by category to understand potential costs for "AsAService" costs to compare.
- category we think is gerrit, jenkins, nexus
- Need estimate of current costs for VM based gerrit/jenkins/nexus tool chain
Mohammed Naser did a demo of Zuul
a. CI Tool
b. As a service
c. Doesnt matter where the code is hosted (git, gitlab, github, bitbucket)
d. zuul jobs are ansible scripts
e. Can do pre-merge jobs that are based on pre-merge pull requests from other projects (OOM + change in project)
DependsOn: keyword and then paste in the pull request for the dependency
f. Billing per minute, based upon server size + build time. In 3-4 months the time will only be tracked during the actual build itself, not linking dependencies.
g. Quota based pool - would need to look at whether to define per project or as a shared resource across LFN
h. Capability to run on a schedule
i. May be possible to external labs linked in if there is a local zuul instance running in the lab- upstream/downstream model
All jobs are run in a VM not in a container.
Action Items:
- Gather slides and information about Zuul (Mohammed Naser ) + possible pre-recorded CLAMP demo