Topics & Notes
Plan going forward
- Develop an Integrated Mode of Operations
- Work with Mark Beierlto help align with OPNFV TSC folks
- See action items from Prague / CNTT - OPNFV 2.0 session
- Develop an Integrated Release & Lifecycle Management Plan - Friendly Launch (MVP)
- Make sure we have a plan for the friendly launch and everyone understand their roles
- Make sure we have a plan for feedback and continuous improvement loops for friendly launch
- Reference Model into GSMA PRD; notes from Prague discussion
- GSMA will create a working group in GSMA to publish Reference Model as a PRD, which is accessible by anyone via GSMA website.
- For the time being, while CNTT is existing, the GSMA WG will not modify contents of RM released by CNTT and will just downstream the RM. Baldy release RM will be the first one to become a GSMA PRD.
- How to deal with RM/PRD
- Toshi Wakayamaafter CNTT termination will be discussed further, as there are some issues, e.g. non GSMA member company's participation to the GSMA WG, current unavailability of a Github-like online co-working tool in GSMA.
- GSMA and CNTT will pursue further collaboration opportunities like GSMA Case Study / Whitepaper publication.
AI - discuss either assimilating efforts for RLM into another WS or making sure we have more participation in this one (and who?). After discussion with Mark Beierland Michael Fix Qiao Fu and whomever else needs to be part of this call etc. it should be clearer. But we'll need to find a home for this activities.